Discover a treasury of over 100 heartfelt prayers designed to shape and nurture the exceptional and unique next generation that God has entrusted to your love. Whether you’re seeking guidance, expressing gratitude, or seeking solace, these prayers are a comforting companion on your motherhood journey.
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John Henry Newman the 19th century British Cardinal recently pronounced "Blessed" by Pope Benedict XVI preached thousands of sermons, wrote scores of books, and published countless articles explaining our Catholic faith, with particular attention to the relationship between faith and reason.
So prodigious was Cardinal Newman's output that only a few souls have read all he wrote.
Yet so keen was his intellect and so profound his love for our Lord that even those who've read just a few pages have profited greatly, growing quickly in knowledge, understanding, and renewed faith in God.
Now comes Dave Armstrong, himself drawn forth from Protestantism by the power of Cardinal Newman's words. Eager to share Newman's wisdom with others, Armstrong has mined from over forty of Cardinal Newman's works to produce substantive passages on more than 100 topics ranging from Angels, Absolution, and the Bible, through Confession, the Eucharist, Infallibility, and the Inquisition, and reaching all the way to the Sacraments, the Saints, Transubstantiation, and the Trinity.
Armstrong selected these particular passages for their beauty, to be sure, but even more for the clarity and persuasiveness with which they present and defend so many key theological positions of our Catholic Church.
Whether you are a catechist, an apologist, a Catholic
layman, or just a searcher after truth, you will find in these hundreds
of passages a lucid consideration of most any Catholic teaching of
serious concern to you.
Written by Dave Armstrong.