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Minute meditations for every day of the year containing a scripture reading, a reflection, and a prayer. Fr. Catoir teaches us that one can eliminate negative thinking, and improve one's emotional life, by putting on the indomitable will to count one's blessings and choose to be happy, and by filling one's mind with uplifting thoughts.
The Daily Companion While Grieving by Allan F. Wright is a spiritual guide book and prayer book for those who are in the grieving process. Every person who lives will experience loss - loved ones get sick and pass away, long-time jobs end, a spouse or best friend leaves. This book offers daily Scripture verses, reflections, and prayers that will help readers respond with hope and faith to the inevitable
suffering and sorrow that come into every life. Each short meditation is designed to offer a brief moment of strength and solace to those coping with loss. This book has 192 pages and is bound in a blue Dura-Lux cover. 4" x 6.25", Catholic Book Publishing Corp., ISBN: 9781947070486.
This up-to-date revision of
the popular Mother's Manual features prayers for mothers in every situation,
including daily prayers, family devotions, novenas, and more. An excellent
resource of spiritual nourishment and consolation to help mothers find a place
of comfort and encouragement in their busy lives.
Heart to Heart: A Cardinal Newman Prayer Book is a comprehensive gathering of the luminous prayers of the newly beatified Cardinal John Henry Newman. The only Newman prayer book, it is ideal for both those who love Newman’s work and for those getting to know Newman for the first time.
A priest and scholar, Newman was among the most famous modern converts to Catholicism. He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010. Newman also had a tremendous impact on such twentieth-century Christian thinkers as G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, and Pope Benedict. His prayers are sincere, emotionally charged cries to God, as well as thoughtful, meditative lessons on great Christian themes like the Trinity, the Passion, the Resurrection, the Holy Spirit, the Eucharist, Mary, confession, and the saints.
Newman is still well-loved in the English-speaking world as both a writer and thinker, and as someone who loved Christ and the Church deeply. Unlike other compilations of Newman’s work, Heart to Heart is the only complete prayer book, and it offers readers many of Newman’s most famous and heart-felt prayers. The book comes with suggested devotions to help readers pray at leisure daily, weekly, and seasonally.