Written for candidates
in junior high and high school, this YOUCAT Confirmation book
provides in-depth preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Designed in the same popular format as the best-selling YOUCAT,
this book has interesting, lively text on many spiritual topics and themes to
help students be well-prepared to receive the Sacrament. It also includes many
questions that youth ask about the faith, God, Jesus, and the Church, as well
as the answers, cross-referenced with either the Bible or with YOUCAT.
Among the topics covered
are: Why the World is Broken, Jesus-More than a Mere Man, In Search of the Holy
Spirit, Prayer-Staying in Touch with God, The Church, Eucharist, Confession,
the Rite of Confirmation, and more. Like YOUCAT, the creative design
includes many fun illustrations, color pictures, quotes from saints, popes and
scripture, and the favorite “moving stick figures” at the bottom of each page.
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Heart to Heart: A Cardinal Newman Prayer Book is a comprehensive gathering of the luminous prayers of the newly beatified Cardinal John Henry Newman. The only Newman prayer book, it is ideal for both those who love Newman’s work and for those getting to know Newman for the first time.
A priest and scholar, Newman was among the most famous modern converts to Catholicism. He was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010. Newman also had a tremendous impact on such twentieth-century Christian thinkers as G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, and Pope Benedict. His prayers are sincere, emotionally charged cries to God, as well as thoughtful, meditative lessons on great Christian themes like the Trinity, the Passion, the Resurrection, the Holy Spirit, the Eucharist, Mary, confession, and the saints.
Newman is still well-loved in the English-speaking world as both a writer and thinker, and as someone who loved Christ and the Church deeply. Unlike other compilations of Newman’s work, Heart to Heart is the only complete prayer book, and it offers readers many of Newman’s most famous and heart-felt prayers. The book comes with suggested devotions to help readers pray at leisure daily, weekly, and seasonally.
This follow-up book to YOUCAT, the hugely popular Youth Catechism, helps young people to understand Catholic social teaching and encourages them to work toward building a "civilization of love". Written in an accessible Q & A format and featuring plenty of colorful photos and insightful quotes, DOCAT tackles tough questions about social justice and aids youth in forming a healthy conscience.
best-selling book has been a practical and spiritually enriching formational
resource for years, and is now newly updated! In addition to the content users
valued in the last three editions, this fourth edition now gives particular
emphasis to the differences between sponsoring a candidate and sponsoring a
John Henry Newman, C.O., was born in 1801 at London, England. After becoming an evangelical Calvinist, he converted to Catholicism from the Anglican Church in 1845, suffering broken relationships with his family as a result. He later founded the Literary and Historical Society, and published a considerable amount of works during his eighty-nine years. Some of his books include Mary: The Second Eve, Loss and Gain, Difficulties of Anglicans, Apologia Pro Vita Sua, and Development of Religious Error. Father Newman died in 1890 at Birmingham.
38 Pages
God, I Need to Talk to You about Bad Manners, written by Susan K. Leigh, is one of 24 books in a series for children featuring child-friendly text and entertaining illustrations to help children think about behaviors and concerns they encounter in daily life and pray about them. This book addresses the behavior of bad manners and points out the good news of God's love and forgiveness, while the supporting scripture emphasizes the point of the story, helping children to apply it to their own lives. Paperback, 16 pages, 4.5" x 5.5", Concordia Publishing House.